Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Facebook Auto Like Professional and Unlimited v9.0 2015

Facebook Auto Like Professional and Facebook Auto Like Unlimited
Facebook Auto Like Professional and Facebook Auto Like Unlimited  are  userscript by using these scripts your will be able to Auto Like or unlike Facebook Status, Comments, Photos, group posts, page posts, group posts, lists posts, page feeds, events posts, timeline photos...
This User Script is now in two Flavours:

  • Facebook Auto Like Professional
Facebook Auto Like Professional will perform like and unlike operations one time more after user's first click. This means that at first time script automatically like or unlike all posts or comments, which are loaded on any facebook page, then this script will automatically load 8 more posts or comments and like/unlike them one time more and exit execution...
  • Facebook Auto Like Unlimited
 Facebook Auto Like Unlimited will perform like and unlike operations unlimited time more after user's first click. It means that at first time script automatically like or unlike all posts or comments, which are loaded on any facebook page, then this script will automatically load 8 more posts or comments and like/unlike them, then again script will automatically load 8 more posts or comments and like/unlike them. This process will be repeated until script finds the bottom of page or user stops liking or unliking...
Change log:

Programming Language: Implemented new version in jQuery programming language... Optimized this new version using jQuery...
Removed: Removed minimize, maximize and close button...
Show/Hide: Added New feature, on  hover it will show script else this userscript will be hidden...
Statistics: This new feature will show statistics... It will display how many facebook posts or comments you liked or unliked using this userscript... In addition to that it will show total statistics...
Bug: Can't subscribe to list bug removed...
Unlimited Likes/Unlikes: Programmed a separate version Facebook Auto Like Unlimited that will like/unlike posts or comments unlimited time....
Opera dependency: Removed opera dependencies using jQuery.... Now all opera user and other user will use same version...
1 time like after 1st click: Now Auto like Professional version will like/unlike posts or comments one more time after first click...
Like/Unlike Button Click: Now you can click on "Like" or "Unlike" text near radio button to perform like and unlike operations respectively...
Tested Browsers: I've tested this user script on Google Chrome using Tampermonkey extension , on Firefox using Greasemonkey addon  and on Opera using Tampermonkey addon and Violent Monkey addon  ... I've not tested this script using Scriptish addon for firefox you may try :P ...

Auto Scroll feature: Script will search for posts to be like or unlike if no post found, it will load 8 more posts and search for post to like or unlike... It will also load 8 more posts after like or unlike operation is performed...
Stop liking or unliking: If You are Liking, to stop Liking, Click on Unlike button If You are Unliking, to stop Unliking, Click on Like button...
Support for Opera: Now Opera user can use this user script...
Removed: Unnecessary code removed and validated all code on JSlint... :)
Tested Browsers: I've tested this user script on Google Chrome using Tampermonkey extension , on Firefox using Greasemonkey addon  and on Opera using Tampermonkey addon and Violent Monkey addon  ... Scriptish addon  is not supporting this script...
Facebook Auto like Professional/Unlimited will work only if you are using Facebook in any of the following Languages: 
1. English (UK)
2. English (US)
3. Eespañol(Spain)
4. Español (España)
5. Filipino (Philippines)
6. Português (Brasil)
7. Português (Portugal)
8. Français (France)
9. Français (Canada)
10. Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesia)
11. Türkçe (Turkey)
12. Deutsch (Germany)
13. Italiano (Italian)
14. Arabic (العربية)
15. Chinese (Taiwan) 中文(台灣)
16. Chinese (Hong Kong) 中文(香港)
17. Chinese (Simplified) 中文(简体)
18. Hindi (हिन्दी)
19. Urdu (اردو)
20. Vietnamese (tiếng Việt)

If you are using Facebook in other regional languages then Kindly Change Facebook Language from Setting to any of above mentioned Languages Then Run Facebook Auto Like Professional or Facebook Auto Like Unlimited... If you want this script for your language then comment your language below...
I've also hosted this project on GitHub. You can get more detail there.

Facebook Auto Like Professional:
Facebook Auto Like Unlimited:
How To Stop Liking or UnLiking:
There are two way to stop Liking or Unliking:
  • If you are Liking posts or comments, To stop Liking click on Unlike button... Similarly If you are Unliking posts or comments, To stop Uniking click on Like button...
  • Click on "Stop Liking or Unliking" button, it will reload page and  stop Liking or Unliking...

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